Thursday, May 9, 2013

New Ward

Last sunday my ward split so that means I have a new troop. I have found out that my scout camp has been changed to a different date.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

court of Honor

Last tuesday night my scout troop had a court of honor.  there were a lot of awards handed out. Like class advancements and merit badges.  I earned my tender foot, second class, and genealogy merit badge.

Monday, April 22, 2013

ATTENTION: board of reviews

For anyone who is ready for an advancement there are board of reviews Tuesday April 23 @7:30.  Please bring books, wear uniform, and have completed scoutmaster conference

Farming campout

Last weekend me and my scout troop went on a campout to Nephi.  When we got there we started putting up tents and making our dinner.  After dinner we had a camp fire message where the scout master's gave a few talks and my troop mate gave a spiritual thought.  After we woke up we ate breakfast and packed up our tents and headed off to the church farm, where we learned all about huge tractors and animals.

Farm merit badge activity

Last Tuesday me and my scout troop went to brother Renesbakers farm and started to work on our farming merit badge.  It was a lot of fun we learned about tractors and tractor parts. Also, we learned about tools and other farming equipment.  A life lesson in farming is, it teaches you how to grow up faster, and how to work hard.